Friday, December 30, 2011

A little bit of satisfaction

This morning, I printed the second draft of my book. When I transferred the stack of paper from the tray of my printer to my desk, the weight of it surprised me. For a brief moment, it became a tangible recognition of the efforts I have put into the project.
Writing, as with any creative endeavour, can be a lonely process. Until other human beings can hold our book in their hands, we writers must eke out a little bit of satisfaction from wherever or whatever we can, even from an inanimate wad of paper.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Sayward Forest Canoe Route Movie

I made a few minor changes to the Sayward Forest Canoe Circuit video. This is the revised edition.

A Soft Start

I stare through the window at the bare branches of our maple tree. After much denial, I accept, in my gut, that winter has banished summer to the realm of memories. A soft and muted inner voice repeats, “Time to start writing. You can do it. Time to start writing. You ...”
I inch my way to the study, sit at the computer desk, and stare at the screen. My mind wanders. I procrastinate, read an article on the European debt crisis, and then check out what's new at the Google app store. Finally, resigned, I click on the Open Office icon. My fingers fight back. They feel stiff, uncoordinated. I force them to the keys. Finally, a few words appear onto the screen.
I feel better now.

Friday, November 04, 2011