Thursday, May 17, 2012

Rainbow trout feast in the Sayward Forest

Rainbow trout

I caught this rainbow trout two years ago on Beavertail Lake in the Sayward Forest.

After I netted it, Blanche and I paddled to a small island where we cooked the fish and ate it. Yummy!

You can find Beavertail Lake south of the Sayward Forest Canoe Circuit. See Google map for Beavertail Lake location.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Top-notch article on Amor Lake

Richard Powell writes great articles about the lakes of Vancouver Island. He also includes amazing pictures. Follow the link to his blog: 100 Lakes on Vancouver Island: Amor Lake

Amor Lake is part of the Sayward Forest Canoe Route.

'via Blog this'

Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday night's canoeing video

Tandem Canoe Basics.
Paul Mason, the stern paddler in this video, is the son of famous Canadian canoeist Bill Mason.

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Calypso Orchids and Chocolate Lilies

Calypso orchid

The calypso orchids and chocolate lilies are blooming on Vancouver Island.

These ones were seen today (May 06) on the north shore of Comox Lake.

Wild orchids and lilies are extremely fragile. They do not transplant. In fact, the simple act of picking the flower will kill the plant. Do not handle.

Chocolate lily (also called rice root lily)