Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Praying Mantis and Logging Trains

This picture was taken from a tiny island in the northernmost bay of Mohun Lake, on the Sayward Forest Canoe Route. Some old maps refer to the bay, which is connected to the main body of Mohun Lake by a small channel, as Goose Lake.

A small but functional campsite occupies a rocky headland at the southern end of the island. If you really focus on the picture, you can see the Vancouver Island Mountains showing some of their peaks above the channel leading to Mohun Lake. The pilings in the channel speak of an era when trains loaded with heavy lumber chugged across the narrows, filling the air with steam and noise.

Today, the high-pitched whistles have been replaced by the more natural, yet just as thrilling calls of Mew gulls, ospreys, and bald eagles.

Follow this link to get a satellite view of the island in Google Maps. If you zoom in, you can even see the dead tree hovering over the water like a praying mantis. It is below and to the right of the campsite symbol.

1 comment:

Anneli said...

Looks like a peaceful spot. I checked out the satellite photo and you're right - you can see that log. Beautiful area. I like the way you've described it.