Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Book Cover - Nation Lakes Canoe Route

Choosing the right picture for the cover of my second book was easy once the design of the title bar was set. In my opinion, the dark beach, canoe, and paddler match the black band behind the title to perfection. Of course, I m totally biased!
The official release date is April 12, but I expect the book to be available before the end of March, 2012. I will provide more info as it becomes available.


Anneli said...

Having had a sneak peek, I can tell you that this book will make you want to explore the Nation Lakes area. But the best part is that it will take you through it, step by step, so you'll feel as if you had a personal guide with you. Well done, Michel. Cover looks great too.

Michel Gauthier said...

Thanks Anneli. Your copy/editing skills added clarity to many a passage in the book. Well done to you too.