Wednesday, April 04, 2012

One minute on the Nation River - Tsayta to Indata Lake

The Nation River is part of the Nation Lakes Canoe Route. The section depicted in this short You Tube montage meanders for eight kilometres between Tsayta and Indata lakes.

Most references rate this stretch of river as a Class 1 (requires very little manoeuvring), but because of the many snags, we treated it as a Class 2 (requires occasional manoeuvring and basic moving water skills).

Essentially, we drifted down the river and manoeuvred in and around some tight spots in the corners.  The water level was very low. We had to line our canoes over many shallow riffles. A couple of logjams drove us to the portage trail, but they were short. Overall, we enjoyed our time on the river, listened to the babbling water, and watched the dragonflies as they hovered over our canoes, seemingly intrigued by the colour of the spray skirts.

Click on this link to open a Google Map showing the location of the River.

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