Thursday, June 21, 2012

A day on Darkis Lake

Columbine - Photo Geoff Russell

My friend Geoff and I spent a relaxing day on Darkis Lake. The fishing was slow - we managed to land only one trout between the two of us - but the mood and scenery were great.

Click on this link to see a Google map of Darkis Lake.

Launching - Photo Geoff Russell
Great day!
Geoff in his V-boat


Anonymous said...

Is it much of a walk from the nearest road access to the lake? Looks like a very tranquil spot.

Michel Gauthier said...

Hi Anneli,
You can access Darkis Lake via a well-defined trail. The trail head is on the right side of access road at the Buttle Lake campground.
I added a path to the map, so now all you have to do is click on link in the main post to see how to get there. You can zoom in and out to change the scale.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for adding that path, Michel. I would have tried coming in from the other road as it looks like it goes closer to the lake.