Friday, February 24, 2012

Great Sundew at Amor Lake

These great sundew leaves are waiting for unsespecting insects to land and get stuck on the sticky drops of gel at the tips of their soft bristle.

Although they are called "great", most of the great sundew plants are only two to three inches high.

Please be mindful of those tiny jewels as you stroll along the shores of our Vancouver Island lakes. Sundews may be carnivorous, but they are fragile.

Here is link to a Google Map of Amor Lake, where, at the height of summer, many sundew plants wait patiently for their next meal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They are really amazing little plants. I saw one once in the Queen Charlotte Islands. An ant was trapped in the plant's sticky drops. I felt sorry for the ant. Its certain death would be slow in coming.