Saturday, March 10, 2012

Going Back to Gosling Lake

I took this photo two years ago at the north end of Gosling Lake on the Sayward Forest Canoe Route. I remember that the log you see in the water sank several inches when I stepped onto it from my canoe. I skeddadled to shore just in to time to avoid wet socks.

Aside from the memory of the less-than-graceful exit, I like this picture. The way the branches of the highbush cranberry point toward the blue spaces always brings my attention to the flashes of light on the small waves. The haze in front of the mountain and (when I zoom in) the berries among the reddening leaves remind me of a warm fall afternoon.

At the time I took the shot, I had a hunch the mountain in the background was Mount Albert Edward, but I wasn’t sure. A quick flyby on Google Earth confirms I was right (see this link).

What the internet cannot tell me, though, is whether the old log has finally become so waterlogged that it has sunk to the bottom since I last saw it, and if I will ever be there again just when the sun heats the cranberries to the point where I can smell them on the breeze.

I guess I have to go back to Gosling Lake this fall.


Anneli said...

Beautiful lake. Looks like a perfect day for paddling. Not too hot, not too cold; ju-u-u-u-st right.

Michel Gauthier said...

Yes, it's a gorgeous lake. I can't wait to see it again this summer.