Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Nation Lakes Canoe Route finally in print!

It took two winters of writing, editing, reviewing, and proofing, but my book on the Nation Lakes Canoe Route is finally in print. I was so excited when I pulled the first copy out of the box, that I pressed Blanche into becoming an official photographer. We drove to Seal Bay Regional Park where she snapped this shot. I was hoping for ducks swimming on the pond behind me, but as you can clearly see, they have no regard for the wishes of a mere mortal.

The book is now for sale on Dogwood Avenue Books’ website.  Feel free to share this post on Facebook or Twitter, and help spread the word to the paddling community.

PS: That’s not grey hair on my head. It’s just a reflection. Really … Hmm … I wonder if Photoshop can change spots of grey into black? … Maybe next time.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Michel. It's a fine book, and anyone going to the Nation Lakes area will be happy to have this useful guide. I like the way you describe some of the many beautiful things to watch for enroute.


Michel Gauthier said...

Thanks, Anneli.