Monday, April 30, 2012

Chuchi Lake – 1½ minute slide show

Chuchi Lake is the second largest lake on the Nation Lakes Canoe Route. There are two extensions of Nation Lakes Provincial Park along its south shore. The north shore, not to be outdone, has three BC Recreation Sites and a number of wilderness sites. Vacationers reach greater numbers here than on the first three lakes of the route. A handful of cottages stand behind the narrows at the east end of the lake.

From almost anywhere on the south shore, paddlers can see Lhole Tse Mountain. If they camp on the north shore, their eyes can wander over the peaks and valleys of a low ridge complex that runs towards Tchentlo Lake. Finally, from a few places near the east end, they can make out the triangular shape of Mount Milligan far on the eastern horizon.

Click on this link to open a Google map of the area.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whenever I watch your video clips of canoe trips it always makes me wish I was off camping somewhere - canoeing, trout fishing, taking photos of all the beautiful things nature has to offer. Thank you for sharing this trip with us. I know where to get an excellent guidebook if I decide to do this trip to the Nation Lakes.