Monday, April 09, 2012

Sixty-two seconds on the Nation River – Indata Lake to Tchentlo Lake

The Nation River between Indata Lake and Tchentlo Lake runs freer than the stretch upstream of Indata. Shallow riffles, snags, and strainers might still require paddlers to line their canoes, but not as often as on the first stretch.

This section of the Nation River is part of the Nation Lakes Canoe Route. Click on this link to see a Google Map of the area.

On our trip, we spent some time on one of the gravel bars. It was a magic place. The shadows beneath the riffles toyed with the rocks on the river bottom, while at the same time, the chirping of the birds in the willows harmonized with the babbling of the water.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very peaceful place. I see you had a fish on. That would be tasty after working up an appetite with all the paddling.
